Placerville Speedway granted approval to hold a Test and Tune this Saturday Placerville, CA – May 4, 2020…Placerville Speedway officials are happy to announce that the El Dorado County Fairgrounds quarter-mile has been given the green light to host a Test and Tune this Saturday May 9th. Several requirements will be in place and participants are asked to please follow them, as this is the first step in showing that the speedway can abide by the specified guidelines in order to have a racing season. The Test and Tune will be held from 2pm-7pm with pit passes $25 per person. The pit gate will open at noon, while the grandstands and concessions will be closed. Another one of the important details to note is the fact that participants are required to arrive in the same vehicle and are limited to six people (5 plus the race car driver). Participants will be requested to exit the tow vehicle to check in together and will be escorted to a designated pit area. No personal vehicles are allowed in the pits. The following guidelines/ requirements have been approved by the county for this Saturday’s Test and Tune. Preparation: • In order to continue keeping our county safe, please clean and disinfect all equipment prior to arrival at the facility. • It is highly recommended that all trucks, trailers, motorhomes, personal vehicles be actively disinfected through a wipe-down process by individual attendees prior to arrival to Placerville Speedway. Travel to: • All team members (referred to as Participants) should travel and attend with household contacts only if possible. Pre-Event: • If a participant or team member is sick or displays symptoms of COVID19- STAY HOME! Symptoms include fever, muscle pain, cough, headache, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, chills or repeated shaking with chills. • Participants should wash hands with soap and water after being in a public place, after blowing nose, coughing, or sneezing, preparing and/or consuming food. • Participants should avoid touching their faces. Upon arrival at Placerville Speedway: • Participants will arrive together in the same vehicle and are limited to a total number of 6 people (5 in addition to the race car driver). Participants will be requested to exit the tow vehicle to check in together and will be escorted to a designated pit area. • Participants will be required to sign the standard waiver/release as well as an additional COVID19 waiver/release. Do NOT exit your vehicle to walk up to the Pit Booth, you will be directed to exit your vehicle when you reach the gate. • Participants will have their temperature taken at time of check in. • All teams will pit 10’ apart • Participants will remain in their designated pit area and will adhere to the 6’ Social Distancing requirement from other participants. • Participants will be allowed in the spectator area to watch their respective team car when it is on the track, but will need to vacate the area when their car exits the track. • Participants will be allowed to bring their own food & beverages (no alcohol, no glass and no open flame bbq’s) • Face masks are not required in El Dorado County but are encouraged. Event: • Officials will communicate with Participants over the PA system. • No more than 3 cars will be allowed on the track at one time. Special Considerations: • If you are or live with someone over the age of 65 or with underlying medical conditions, please consider staying home or be prepared to self quarantine upon your return. The Placerville Speedway is located on the beautiful El Dorado County Fairgrounds in Placerville, California. Take Hwy US-50 to Forni Road/Placerville Drive exit. Then go north on Placerville Drive to the Fairgrounds. The physical address is 100 Placerville Dr., Placerville, CA 95667. For more information on Placerville Speedway log onto https://www.placervillespeedway.com Join over 13,000 followers of Placerville Speedway on Facebook, where you can keep abreast of updates for the 2020 season. You can also find Placerville Speedway on Twitter by following us https://twitter.com/pvillespeedway - In addition, Placerville Speedway is also on Instagram. Please follow us @PvilleSpeedway. The quarter-mile clay oval is operated by Russell Motorsports Incorporated, which can be reached at the track business office at 530-344-7592. Contact Kami Arnold or Scott Russell directly for sponsorship opportunities at the office.