After a week off the Placerville Speedway returns to action this Saturday night with another competitor-based program. Please make note that with no additional sponsorship coming in this week however, the Winged 360 Sprint Cars will be competing for a 50% purse on Saturday.
Thanks to Jay’s Mobile Welding & Fabrication the Pure Stocks will be vying for a regular purse, while the Ltd. Late Models will be contesting their normal weekly payout based on car count. The Mini Trucks will also be racing for their standard purse.
Th grandstands will again be closed to spectators and all the recent pit area guidelines continue to be in place. Rounding out the card on Saturday are the Vintage Hard Tops.
Bullet points for this Saturday’s event at Placerville Speedway
-The grandstands will be closed once again
-The parking tiers will be closed to all personal vehicles.
-To assist with needed room in the pit area, no personal vehicles will be allowed to park in the pits.
-Per the state of California mandate, face masks/coverings are mandatory for those attending the event.
-Those entering the pit area this weekend will be required to sign the standard waiver/release as well as download/print and fill out the COVID-19 waiver/release. Do NOT exit your vehicle to walk up to the Pit Booth, until you reach the gate. The form is available at www.placervillespeedway.com/forms
-Even if you attended the previous events held, everyone is required to print out the COVID form once again.
-Winged 360 Sprint Cars are running for a 50% purse. Thanks to Jay’s Mobile Welding & Fabrication the Pure Stocks will be vying for a regular purse, while the Ltd. Late Models will be contesting their normal weekly payout based on car count. The Mini Trucks will also be racing for their standard purse.
-The pit area snack bar will also be open again with delicious racetrack cuisine available for teams.
-The pit gate will open at noon, with the pit meeting scheduled for 4:30pm and cars on track shortly after. To promote social distancing, we will be using the MyRacePass app, where teams can find the order of events, lineups and results. Please visit www.myracepass.com to claim or create your driver profile, which will also help with scoring and administration procedures.
The following guidelines/ requirements have been approved by the county for this weekend’s event.
Preparation: • In order to continue keeping our county safe, please clean and disinfect all equipment prior to arrival at the facility. • It is highly recommended that all trucks, trailers, motorhomes, personal vehicles be actively disinfected through a wipe-down process by individual attendees prior to arrival to Placerville Speedway.
Travel to: • All team members (referred to as Participants) should travel and attend with household contacts only if possible. Pre-Event: • If a participant or team member is sick or displays symptoms of COVID19- STAY HOME! Symptoms include fever, muscle pain, cough, headache, shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, sore throat, loss of taste or smell, chills or repeated shaking with chills. • Participants should wash hands with soap and water after being in a public place, after blowing nose, coughing, or sneezing, preparing and/or consuming food. • Participants should avoid touching their faces.
Upon arrival at Placerville Speedway: • Participants will be required to sign the standard waiver/release as well as download/print and fill out the COVID19 waiver/release. Do NOT exit your vehicle to walk up to the Pit Booth, until you reach the gate. This form needs to be downloaded, filled out, signed & dated and presented at the Temperature Screening Station by each person attending our event(s) during the pandemic. By doing it this way, we hope to help expedite the process of getting through the pit gate protocol
• Participants will have their temperature taken at time of check in. • All teams will pit 10’ apart • Participants will remain in their designated pit area and will adhere to the 6’ Social Distancing requirement from other participants. • Participants will be allowed in the spectator area to watch their respective team car when it is on the track, but will need to vacate the area when their car exits the track Event: • Officials will communicate with Participants over the PA system.
• Line-ups and order of events can be found at the pit board or on the My Race Pass app.
Parking tiers are closed to all personal vehicles and there will be no personal vehicles in the pit area.
Per the state of California mandate, face masks/coverings are mandatory for those attending the event.
To assist with needed room in the pit area, no personal vehicles will be allowed to park in the pits.
Special Considerations: • If YOU are or live with someone over the age of 65 or WITH underlying medical conditions, please consider staying home or be prepared to self quarantine upon your return.